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Our team is made up of many different positions. On Team 5464 we have a place for everyone. Whether you enjoy engineering, building, photography, and strategy there is a sub team for you. We accept everyone and don't turn anyone away no matter what your interests are. 

Media Team

This team is responsible for taking pictures, and videos to promote and document everything that goes on in the team. The media team is for outgoing individuals who aren't afraid to talk to talk to others and capture the perfect shot.

CAD (Computer-Aided Design)

The CAD (Computer-aided Design) subteam creates and manages a library of parts used to design plans for our robots. CAD uses PTC Creo® software to create prototypes and designs for the robot. CAD produces designs for 3D parts printed by Stratasys. Members model the entire final robot in CAD and create CAD presentations about the robot. 

Robot Build (Drive-Train, Chassis, Manipulator)

This sub-team is responsible for the skeletal structure of the robot and the parts of the robot that allow it to move. They help design, prototype robot mechanisms, construct the robot’s drive-train system, and build the driver station. Members also build parts of the robot that manipulate objects in the field of play. For example, an arm used to pick up and stack items. At competitions, this subteam is responsible for all repairs of the robot between matches. They also collaborate with other FRC teams to develop new robot designs.

Control Systems & Programming

This sub-team designs and integrates the robots’ electronics, wiring, circuitry, and sensor systems. They must understand the robot control system and incorporate the control system into the robot. CSP members develop, write, and edit the computer programs (C++, JAVA and LabVIEW). This allow the robot to function in both an autonomous mode, which is operating without control as well as when human operators are in control which is called tele-op.

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